Wednesday, December 30, 2009

A few more details...

As you have probably guessed from Andy’s previous post, he was a little perturbed by my foot-dragging in regards to updating our blog. “I know what you could do today,” he would hint, “You could update our blog.” “Yeah, that’s a good idea,” I would reply and then blithely go about the rest of my day, the blog woefully untouched. I suppose I could chalk it up to pregnancy forgetfulness but in all reality my abandonment of our fledgling blog has had more to do with my discouragement over our current situation than an abnormal amount of blonde moments.

Over the last four months:

- We have continued to wait on our visa. While we have continued to get regular updates from our Expediter in Chicago, we have yet to receive our coveted visas so we can buy plane tickets.

-We have moved four (count ‘em, four) times, and it will be five as of next week although we’re not sure where to yet (which has become “normal”).

-God has continued to provide work for Andy with both his brother as a truck driver, and with his dad as harvest help. A soggy and prolonged harvest benefited Andy work wise, and even though I always miss him during harvest and hauling we’re grateful for the work hours. Andy also has been helping Joe Gingrich with some construction work off and on, also a blessing.

-We have enjoyed the chance to spend time with family. My sister Carrie is back from her three months at CLM and she will be leaving next week for Moody. I’m so glad for the time with her. Andy and I got to meet our new niece last week, which I thoroughly enjoyed.

-We have become parents. Well, actually we’re enjoying the months of parenting where we don’t have to wake up to crying and our baby never disobeys us or challenges our authority or tries our patience. Just wait until June 25th…then the real fun (and real parenting starts). In answer to the question we have been asked multiple times, this does not change our plans for Brazil, babies are born in Brazil all the time and we hope that’s where we will have ours!

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Andy Hijacked The Blogging

Hello. This is Andy. I guess I am blogging. We are still in the United States. Since the last post we have lived at the cabin for two months, Kevin and Elaine King's house, and now we are residing at Roger and Gwen Stuber's house until they get back. Currently are visa is being processed in Brazil. We don't know the status on it. We have been waiting on that end since mid August. We don't know when our visa will be approved. Another thing that makes our lives more interesting is Katie is pregnant. She is due June 25th. We are holding on to God for dear life. We still are planning on going to Brazil and have our baby down there if The Lord wills it. That is all. My wife will probably write soon to make things sound better.

Andy Roth