Monday, March 16, 2009


A lot has happened since I wrote our first post back in December. Here's a brief update for those who are interested.

On April 18th we will move out of our little rental house and move in with Gary and Mary K Rumbold who have graciously agreed to house us for a month before we leave for training in Colorado on May 23rd. We are hoping that we can use the month with the Rumbold's to save up some additional money (plus, they're a lot of fun to hang out with).

We almost have all the necessary paperwork to apply for our visas. If all goes smoothly we will turn in our paperwork for processing in the next two weeks. Jake and Amanda Teater (fellow CLM missionaries) just received their visas and it took about 4 months for their processing. We're hoping that we will receive our visas by August but we're bracing for a longer wait.

The first Sunday in May we will begin fund raising at Northfield (our home church). We have figured out our monthly budget and one-time expenses.

I have four weeks of school left and then I'll officially be a college graduate. I'm really looking forward to being done! Andy will finish work on May 22nd, right before we leave for Colorado.

Overall things have been very busy but we are getting more and more excited as we go through the process of preparing to leave. We are looking forward to seeing how God provides for all our needs according to His glorious riches in Christ Jesus!